Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Assignment #4:

Please go to Google Docs and create an observation chart for Charlie Gordon.  
1.  Title today's entry "Observation 1" and describe what Charlie is like at this point of the story.  The entry should be at least three to four sentences long and please use examples from the story to illustrate your observations.  3pts

Monday, December 16, 2013

Assignment #3

Rorschach Test

Please go to this site: Rorschach Test

Read the information explaining what the Rorschach test is and take the test yourself.  

1.  Create a new post and title it Rorschach Test  1 pt
2.  Copy and paste the link to your new post
3.  Please write a one paragraph summary of what the Rorschach test is and what it is used for.  3pts
4.  Take the test
5.  If there is time, please post what the conclusion of the test is for you. 

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Assignment #2

1.  Please copy and paste the following question and link under the response that you gave to yesterday's podcast.

Please listen to the following podcast and give your opinion on do American farmers feed the world, or not???  Please give evidence (examples) to back up your opinion. 


Monday, December 9, 2013

Assignment #1:
1.  Create a new Blog on Blogger
2.  Title it AltedGenetics
3.  For the web address, use your first initial and your last name, then genetics.  Ex:  kkellygenetics
4.  Create your first  post.  

  • Title it Daily Opinion
  • Copy and paste the following question and link to your post.
  • Answer the question using as much evidence as possible to support your opinion. 

(Copy and paste the below question and link to your blog)

Please listen to the following report and post your opinion to this blog.  Please decide if you support genetic modifications, if it is worth the risk please support your answer why.  If you think that it is not worth the risk, please give evidence for your opinion.