Monday, January 27, 2014

Assignment #7 

 GMOs  Do they help or do they hurt?

1.  Create a new post and title it "GMOs  Do they help or do they hurt?"  1pt

2.  Copy and paste the GMO video that you watched in the Daily Blog into this post.  1pt

3.  Please copy and paste your Blogger response that summarizes the major points of the video below this video. 3pts

4.  Go to You Tube and search "GMOs Pros". Take a look at these sites.  ONLY WATCH THE VIDEOS THAT ARE 6 MINUTES OR LESS.

5.  Choose what you think is the best video that gives the "Pro" argument FOR GMO use.    

6.  Link this video to your new post.

7.  Under the video please justify why you chose this video  and why we should use it for tomorrow's Daily Blog.  Whoever does the best job gets a candy bar!  5pts

8.  If you finish early, play this game using Punnett Squares.

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