Monday, February 24, 2014


For your next assignment you will be watching the movie Gattica.  You will need to create a new post where you will be answering the following:

  • Create a new post and title it Gattica
  • Copy and paste the following questions into your post and answer them.

1. At Vincent's birth, doctors already knew how he would die. What was Vincent's life expectancy and what would he likely die from?

2.  Why did the parents change the baby's name from Anton to Vincent?

3. Compare how Vincent's brother was brought into the world to how Vincent was brought into the world. Did the doctor feel that some traits should be left to chance? Why or why not.

4.  The doctor stated: "The child is you, simply the best of you". What does this mean?

5.   Scenes of the two brothers childhood imply certain differences in the physique. List some obvious differences between Vincent and his brother.  Why was Anton so much superior?

6. "My real resume' was in my cells." What does this statement mean? What kind of job did Vincent end up with? What was his real goal?

7.  What was "Genoism"

8. What are different ways that a persons genetics can be exposed?

9. Describe the process by which Vincent became Jerome?

10. Why did Jerome give up his identity to Vincent?

11.  Would you have gone through the procedures that Vincent went through if you were in his position?

12.  How do you think Jerome felt watching Vincent take his identity?

13. Describe the interview.

14.  What does Jerome (Vincent) leave behind at the murder scene?

15.  Why is it unlikely that Irene will travel into space?

16  When Jerome (Vincent) and Irene go to the concert, what is unusual about the piano player?

17.  What does Irene leave behind at the club where she and Jerome are dancing?

18.  Who killed the mission director?

19.  Who does the detective leading the murder investigation turn out to be?

20.  Why does Eugene think that he got the better end of the deal?

21.   What made Vincent able to qualify for the Saturn mission despite his physical infirmities and lack of
genetic perfection?

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